Airex Aster Winter Flower Seeds (pack of 25 seeds) each Seed(25 per packet)

Airex Aster Winter Flower Seeds (pack of 25 seeds) each Seed(25 per packet)
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MRP Price  :Rs. 199.00

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  •   Seed Type: Flower
  •   Suitable For: Outdoor
  •   Organic Plant Seed
  •   Seed For: Aster Winter Flower
  •   Flowering Plant
  • Offers:COD, Discount Offers (40% Off)
How to Grow Aster Plants:Asters grow well in rich to average soils. The soil need to be porous.Like all plants, they will reward you with bigger blooms and a healthier plant, if you add plenty of compost. Also add a general purpose fertilizer once a
How to Grow Aster Plants:Asters grow well in rich to average soils. The soil need to be porous.Like all plants, they will reward you with bigger blooms and a healthier plant, if you add plenty of compost. Also add a general purpose fertilizer once a month.Sow seeds early in the season and cover lightly with soil. Water thoroughly once. They germinate easily, and begin growing quickly, producing blooms by mid-summer.Transplant perennial Asters into your garden, into an area where they can be allowed to grow for years. Plant spacing depends upon size of each variety. Miniature varieties should be spaced four to six inches apart. Space Giant varieties one to two feet apart. Smaller varieties make good border edging. Large varieties look their best, when placed in the back of the flowerbed.Once your Aster are established, they will grow well for years.Soil should be moist, but not wet. Aster does not do well in wet soils. They will withstand dry periods. Once plants are established, they only need water during extended droughts.Plants will begin to bloom in mid to late summer. You can expect continuous blooms up to frost. Remove dead flower blooms to improve plant appearance. For giant varieties, trim back any stalks as desired, to maintain an attractive appearance.Propagation:Most gardeners start asters from seed. It's best to start them in the early winter or late spring indoors in a typical seed-starting set-up. Aster seeds readily germinate and grow quickly, providing you give them enough light. Look for signs of stretching in the seedlings; this is a sure sign they're not getting enough light. If this happens, either move them to a brighter spot or invest in some grow lights.

Full Specifications

Brand: Airex
Model Name: Aster Winter Flower Seeds (pack of 25 seeds) each
Common Name: Aster Winter Flower
Flowering Plant:
Suitable For: Outdoor
Type of Seed: Flower
Family: Asteraceae
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Covered in Warranty: warranty of grow 100% quality
In the Box
: 1 packet of aster winter flower
Additional Features
Other Features: Botanical Name: Aster, Plant Type: Flower, Common Names: Aster, Sun Exposure: Full SunPart Sun, Soil Type: Loamy, Plant Height: up to 24 inches, Soil pH: Varies, Bloom Time: SummerFall, Special Features: Attracts Butterflies, Water: Related to sunflowers, these plants have fairly high water requirements. Keep the soil continously moist and look for signs of wilting, which could mean the plant isn't receiving enough water., Fertilizer: Feed weekly with a weak liquid fertilizer every other week that includes micronutrients and encourages blooming., Soil: A light, fast-draining potting soil is perfect. You can use fortified soils.
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  • Airex Aster Winter Flower Seeds (pack of 25 seeds) each Seed(25 per packet) model Home Improvement Tools price and details was updated on 16 Jun 2024.

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