Airex Carnation Flower Seeds (25 Per Packet) Seed(25 per packet)

Airex Carnation Flower Seeds (25 Per Packet) Seed(25 per packet)
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MRP Price  :Rs. 399.00

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  •   Seed Type: Flower
  •   Suitable For: Outdoor
  •   Organic Plant Seed
  •   Seed For: Carnation
  •   Flowering Plant
  • Offers:COD, Discount Offers (72% Off)
How to Grow Carnation Plants:Carnations plants are very easy to grow. They prefer full sun and a rich, well drained soil. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week. Add a general purpose fertilizer once or twice a month.Carnations will gr
How to Grow Carnation Plants:Carnations plants are very easy to grow. They prefer full sun and a rich, well drained soil. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week. Add a general purpose fertilizer once or twice a month.Carnations will grow 16-18" and make great borders or edging. Space plants 12" apart.Once your Carnations are established, they will grow well and bloom from the spring and throughout the summer. The perennial varieties are hardy. They will withstand light frosts before going dormant for the winter. Perennials should be mulched for winter protection against extreme cold temperatures.Propagating Carnations:Carnations can be propagated by three ways:By seeds: Seeds can be sowed, 1/8 inch deep in a well-drained mix.Space seeds 12" apart. Make sure the compost is moist but not wet. Firm soil over seed and mist spray occasionally and keep it moist. The seeds will germinate in 2 to 3 weeks.By cuttings: Cuttings taken from the terminal growth can also be used to propagate Carnations. The cuttings, varying from four to six inches long are taken and the basal leaves of at least two to three nodes are removed. The cuttings are then inserted in pure sand. The lower leaves must not touch the surface. Cuttings become ready for transplantation in 25 to 30 days.This method is preferably used in case of perennial Carnations.By division: Carnations can also be grown by division through which we can rejuvenate older plants. Dig up an entire clump, and either pull it apart using your hands to separate the plant segments, or use two gardening forks inserted in the center of the clump, to gently pry the plant apart. Replant each new division as you would a new perennial or annual, and water it in very well.

Full Specifications

Brand: Airex
Model Name: Carnation Flower Seeds (25 Per Packet)
Common Name: Carnation
Flowering Plant:
Suitable For: Outdoor
Type of Seed: Flower
Scientific Name: Dianthus
Uses: Carnation flowers also are popular for some of their other uses, besides just looking pretty. The carnation flower can be made into carnation oils and used in massage oils., Carnation oil is popular because it helps promote relaxation. These massage oils are used because it is said that they promote skin regeneration, make skin softer and leave a sweet and soothing scent on the skin. Carnations have also been used to treat skin irritation and rashes. Carnation oil is also popular for making sweet smelling perfume., Carnations have been used for centuries in tea. Carnation tea was very popular in ancient China for its ability to relax the spirit and promote energy and vitality. Carnation teas often include all of the carnation plant, from its flowers to its petals and roots. Carnations have been used to reduce muscle tension, and were often used to treat irritating menstrual cramps., Homeopathic remedies were also used by the ancient Aztecs, who mixed the plant’s flowers with hot water and drank the brew. They also used carnations for treating symptoms like chest congestion and diseases by mixing measured amounts of the flowers and their petals with sugar, and then boiling the mix over an extended period of time., In addition, carnations have also been used to treat the following: Facial wrinkles Stomach aches Rosacea and eczema Uterine tissue tension Stress, anxiety and nervousness Seasickness
Sowing Method: Sowing Directly in the Garden:Direct sow in midsummer to flower the following year. Select a location in full sun with loose, well-drained soil.Remove weeds and work organic matter into the top 6-8 inches of soil; then level and smooth.Sow thinly ¼ inch deep.Keep moist.Seedlings will emerge in 14-21 days depending on soil and weather conditions.
Covered in Warranty: warranty of grow 100% quality
In the Box
: 1 Packet of Carnation Flower Seeds
Additional Features
Other Features: Sunlight: Carnations need full sunlight, about 4-5 hours everyday., Genus Species: Carnation caryophyllus, Height : 18 inches, Caryophyllaceae, Planting Time: Spring, Spread : 18 inches, Planting depth: 1/8 inch (3.2 mm), Soil: Carnations thrive in fertile, well- drained, slightly alkaline (pH 6.75) soil. Water:It is important not to flood carnations with water. This can cause yellowing of the leaves and stems and compromise blooming. Only water when the soil feels dry to the touch. Check the soil daily, especially in hot weather.
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