Airex Cineraria and Lotus Flower Seeds (20 seeds per packet) Seed(20 per packet)

Airex Cineraria and Lotus Flower Seeds (20 seeds per packet) Seed(20 per packet)
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MRP Price  :Rs. 399.00

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  •   Seed Type: Flower
  •   Suitable For: Outdoor
  •   Organic Plant Seed
  •   Seed For: Cineraria, Lotus
  • Offers:COD, Discount Offers (55% Off)
Cineraria Flower Seeds: Description:Although these flowering plants like bright light, they cannot tolerate direct sunlight. They do well when potted in a peat-based soil that is kept moist, but not overly wet. The flowers start to wilt if they dont
Cineraria Flower Seeds: Description:Although these flowering plants like bright light, they cannot tolerate direct sunlight. They do well when potted in a peat-based soil that is kept moist, but not overly wet. The flowers start to wilt if they dont get the conditions they like.The cineraria plants grown in shady conditions display the most intense colours. Planting the seedlings in a well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter results in healthy blooms. You can add mulch around the plants when the seedlings begin to grow, to retain moisture in the soil and keep the ground cool.Cinerarias are excellent flowering plants for containers, bedding and landscape plantings. Besides being stunning ornamental plants, they are also used for the purpose of topical application for the treatment of cataracts. Lotus Flower Seeds:Description:The sacred lotus is a perennial aquatic plant with rhizomes (often mistakenly called 'roots') that grow in the mud at the bottom of shallow ponds, lakes, lagoons, marshes and flooded fields. Its large, peltate (with the leaf-stalk attaching to the centre, rather than the edge) leaves rise above the water surface on 1 to 2 m long petioles. The strikingly water-repellent leaf surface has inspired the term 'lotus effect'. This term describes the leaves' self-cleaning capacity which is a result of dirt particles being picked up by water droplets due to a complex nanostructure of the leaf surface, which minimises adhesion.

Full Specifications

Brand: Airex
Model Name: Cineraria and Lotus Flower Seeds (20 seeds per packet)
Common Name: Cineraria, Lotus
Suitable For: Outdoor
Type of Seed: Flower
In the Box
: 1 Packet of Cineriaria, 1 Packet of Lotus
  • Airex Cineraria and Lotus Flower Seeds (20 seeds per packet) Seed(20 per packet) Home Improvement Tools price starts from Rs. 199.00 in India.
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  • Airex Cineraria and Lotus Flower Seeds (20 seeds per packet) Seed(20 per packet) model Home Improvement Tools price and details was updated on 16 Jun 2024.

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