Airex Cineraria Mixed Winter Flower Seeds (pack of 25 seeds) each Seed(25 per packet)

Airex Cineraria Mixed Winter Flower Seeds (pack of 25 seeds) each Seed(25 per packet)
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MRP Price  :Rs. 199.00

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  •   Seed Type: Flower
  •   Suitable For: Outdoor
  •   Organic Plant Seed
  •   Seed For: Cineraria Mixed Winter Flower
  •   Flowering Plant
  • Offers:COD, Discount Offers (44% Off)
Growing Cineraria Mixed Flower:Growing Requirements for Cinerarias:Cinerarias are not suited for growing in hot dry climates. If you are growing Cinerarias in the garden, they should be grown in partial to full shade, and planted in slightly acidic,
Growing Cineraria Mixed Flower:Growing Requirements for Cinerarias:Cinerarias are not suited for growing in hot dry climates. If you are growing Cinerarias in the garden, they should be grown in partial to full shade, and planted in slightly acidic, rich, well-drained soil with a high compost content. Water regularly and thoroughly to keep the soil evenly moist, but never soggy. Cinerarias readily reseed themselves in the garden.When grown in pots or planters, Cinerarias should be planted in a loose, rich, peat moss based potting mix with good drainage. Once they begin to bloom they prefer to be kept somewhat root-bound.Indoors, keep your Cineraria in filtered sun or bright light.Do not allow the soil to dry out, but be careful not to over water.Cinerarias like it cool, and will bloom for a much longer perio with daytime temperatures of 65 and 50-55 at night. When the first buds begin to form, begin feeding your Cineraria every two weeks using a strength solution of a soluble, bloom type fertilizer. Watch out for spider mites in the house, and slugs and snails in the garden!Propagating Cinerarias and Growing them from Seed.Cinerarias can be propagated with stem cuttings taken at any time during the summer months.Cineraria seeds require light for germination. Do NOT cover them!Sow seeds indoors, in flats on September 1st for blooming plants in time for Valentines Day, or on October 15th for Easter plants.Maintain a temperature of 70-75 within the growing medium until germination, which takes 10-15 days.Use care to not overwater seedlings to avoid damping off fungus.After 4 weeks, transplant into 2 pots. When the roots just begin to become crowded, transplant up to 5" pots for budding.Two weeks after transplanting to 5", move your Cinerareas to a bright, 50 area to induce budding. Once the first buds appear, feed with a strength solution of a bloom type fertilizer and raise the temperature up to 65.

Full Specifications

Brand: Airex
Model Name: Cineraria Mixed Winter Flower Seeds (pack of 25 seeds) each
Common Name: Cineraria Mixed Winter Flower
Flowering Plant:
Suitable For: Outdoor
Type of Seed: Flower
Scientific Name: Senecio Cineraria
Soil Nutrient Requirements: Soli: Cineraria plants do well in a quick-draining, well-aerated, loose potting soil that has a lot of peat moss in it.
Covered in Warranty: warranty of grow 100% quality
In the Box
: 1 packet of cineraria mixed winter flower
Additional Features
Other Features: Common Name: Senecio cruentus, Sunlight: Cineraria need a high light area but should be away from any direct light. They also like a more humid environment. This can be achieved by placing the pot on a tray of pebbles that is filled with water., Height: 8 inches, Bloom Season: Winter, Plant Spacing: 10 - 12 inches, Watering:Keep a Cineraria Plant moist but never soggy. Always allow the top inch or two of soil in a Cineraria Plantto dry out before watering. Cineraria Plants can sit in the excess water for 15 minutes then be sure to empty the saucer. The more blooms a Cineraria Plant has, the more water it needs., Fertilizer: Feed a Cineraria Plant in April with a water-soluble plant food high in phosphorous at 1/2 the recommended strength.
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  • Airex Cineraria Mixed Winter Flower Seeds (pack of 25 seeds) each Seed(25 per packet) model Home Improvement Tools price and details was updated on 16 Jun 2024.

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