Airex Dahlia Flower Seeds (15 Per Packet) each Seed(15 per packet)

Airex Dahlia Flower Seeds (15 Per Packet) each Seed(15 per packet)
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MRP Price  :Rs. 399.00

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  •   Seed Type: Flower
  •   Suitable For: Outdoor
  •   Organic Plant Seed
  •   Seed For: Dahlia
  •   Flowering Plant
  • Offers:COD, Discount Offers (78% Off)
How to Grow Dahlia Plants:Dahlia plants are very easy to grow. They prefer full sun. They are big feeders. Make sure the soil is rich and fertile. Add plenty of compost and apply mulch. Low nitrogen fertilizer should be applied regularly all season.
How to Grow Dahlia Plants:Dahlia plants are very easy to grow. They prefer full sun. They are big feeders. Make sure the soil is rich and fertile. Add plenty of compost and apply mulch. Low nitrogen fertilizer should be applied regularly all season. Keep the soil moist but drained, at all times.Space smaller varieties 16" apart. The largest varieties should be spaced 2 feet apart to allow ample room for growth. After the plants have grown about a foot, pinch back the stems to promote a bushier growth.Dahlia plants will grow quickly, and will bloom in mid-late summer. Stem tips will develop multiple buds, usually three. To grow bigger blooms disbud the two side buds, leaving the middle, terminal bud.For use as cut flowers, sear the cut end with a match or candle.Dahlias will succumb to a hard frost. Dig up the tubers, and place them in a bed of dry sand. Store them in your cellar over the winter and replant them in the spring. You can mark the tubers with the flower color if desired.Pruning:As dahlias grow, pinch out the growing tips to encourage bushy growth. Regularly cut flowers to promote flowering they make great cut flowers to display in vases.

Full Specifications

Brand: Airex
Model Name: Dahlia Flower Seeds (15 Per Packet) each
Common Name: Dahlia
Flowering Plant:
Suitable For: Outdoor
Type of Seed: Flower
Family: Dahlias
Scientific Name: Dahlia Species
Uses: The high point of growing dahlias is enjoying the flowers. They may appear any time in July, depending upon the varieties and types you're growing., To use dahlias as cut flowers, cut the blossoms when they are fully open. Use sharp shears or a knife to cut a long enough stem for the use intended., Plunge the cut ends into warm water immediately. When you're ready to arrange the flowers, cut off about1/4inch of the stem base and place the stems in warm water. Be sure to use a sharp knife or shears. Using floral preservatives or changing the water every 2-3 days will increase the life of cut flowers. Another useful technique is to place the basal inch of each stem in boiling water for 1 minute while shielding the leaves and upper stem and flowers from the steam and heat.
Covered in Warranty: warranty of grow 100% quality
In the Box
: 1 Packet Of Dahlia
Additional Features
Other Features: Light: Full Sun, Attracts: Butterfliess, Plant Type: Tuberous perennial flowers native to Mexico and Central America, Botanical Name: Dahlia, Flowering Time: Mid-summer to autumn, Planting Time: Usually May to early June, Height and Spread : 40cm-1.5m (16in-5ft) and 40-90cm (16in-3ft), Plant Spacing: Dahlias vary widely in plant size so there is no standard recommendation for spacing. Mature dahlias are usually as wide as they are tall, so a good guideline is to plant them 1/2 their height from structures or other plants. This means planting 6’ tall dahlias 6’ apart to realize the full potential of the plants. However, to maximize bloom production, space dahlias 1/2-1/3 their height apart, leaving more space on at least one side to allow access for bloom cutting and plant grooming., Soil: Dahlias grow best in moist, well-drained soil. Before planting, improve the soil by digging in well-rotted organic matter such as compost, leaf mould and manure., Watering: Most areas have enough rain to fill dahlia water needs until the sprouts appear above the ground. After dahlias are established, a deep watering 2-3 times a week for at least 30-60 minutes with a sprinkler, more required during warmer dryer weather. Hotter climates will need to water more often as conditions require. Proper watering promotes proper blooming. Hand watering is not enough. They love lots of water during the growing season. Water, water, water..
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