Airex Gazania Flower (Winter) Seed (20 seeds per packet) Seed(20 per packet)

Airex Gazania Flower (Winter) Seed (20 seeds per packet) Seed(20 per packet)
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MRP Price  :Rs. 299.00

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  •   Seed Type: Flower
  •   Suitable For: Indoor, Outdoor
  •   Organic Plant Seed
  •   Seed For: Gazania
  • Offers:COD, Discount Offers (62% Off)
Gazania Flower Seeds:Description:Overview: Leaves typically linear to linear-lanceolate (narrow and tapering to a point), up to 10 mm wide. The leaves are pinnately lobed (feather-like) and held in rosettes arising from a stout, woody crown (that par
Gazania Flower Seeds:Description:Overview: Leaves typically linear to linear-lanceolate (narrow and tapering to a point), up to 10 mm wide. The leaves are pinnately lobed (feather-like) and held in rosettes arising from a stout, woody crown (that part of the stem at the ground surface). The leaves are hairless on the upper surface, but the undersides are thickly covered with soft, white hairs, except around the midrib.Flowers: The solitary flower head (capitulum) is up to 7 cm wide and held above the leaves on a stem 10 cm or more long. The capitulum consists of two types of florets: the ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ray florets??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? at the margins and the ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????disc florets??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? in the centre. The ray florets are generally golden yellow, often with a dark base, but are occasionally white with a yellow band near the base. The disc florets are yellow to reddish-orange.Gazania linearis is divided into two varieties: G. linearis var. linearis and G. linearis var. ovalis. Gazania linearis var. ovalis has broader leaves that are lanceolate (spear shaped) to elliptic (broadest at the middle with two equally rounded ends) and up to 25 mm wide. Both varieties are from the same region of South Africa.

Full Specifications

Brand: Airex
Model Name: Gazania Flower (Winter) Seed (20 seeds per packet)
Common Name: Gazania
Suitable For: Indoor, Outdoor
Type of Seed: Flower
In the Box
: 1 packet of gazania
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