Pandit NM Shrimali Trishul Yantra Pendant Silver

Pandit NM Shrimali Trishul Yantra Pendant Silver
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MRP Price  :Rs. 1,900.00

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  •   Brand Certification Certified
  •   For Boys, Men, Girls, Women
  •   Material: Silver
  •   Collection: Temple
  • Offers:COD, Discount Offers (43% Off)
Trishul has great significance in Hindu Religion , it is in the hands of almost all the deities but it but the significance is even more when it is held by Lord Shiva or Goddess . now why Trishul has been given so much of significance in our culture
Trishul has great significance in Hindu Religion , it is in the hands of almost all the deities but it but the significance is even more when it is held by Lord Shiva or Goddess . now why Trishul has been given so much of significance in our culture does have a very deep meaning which is beyond the apparent . let us try to understand.The three prongs of Trishul represents trinity brahma , Vishnu , Mahesh ; sarasvati , lakshami and kaali ; 3modes of nature --creation, maintenance and destruction ; the 3 --kaala---past, present and future ; the 3-- Gunas - sat , raj , tam . 3-- lokasswarg , bhu and patal ; 3-- powers---will , action and wisdom ; 3types of miseries physical , menatal and spiritual .Lord Shivas Trishul is supposed to destroy ----the physical worldattachment to gross the illusionary world which seems so real ; the world of the mind---the ahamkaar or ego which is a barrier between Me and HIM -thus transforms to be in the third world that is the world of spirituality thus leads to oneness Shiva into a single non-dual plane of existence, that is bliss alone.

Full Specifications

Model Number: pnms336
Model Name: Trishul Yantra Pendant
Base Material: Silver
Certification: Brand Certification
Occasion: Everyday
Color: Silver
Chain Included:
Collection: Temple
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  • Pandit NM Shrimali Trishul Yantra Pendant Silver model Jewellery price and details was updated on 12 Jun 2024.

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