Queen Games Escape Board Game

Queen Games Escape Board Game
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MRP Price  :Rs. 10,305.00

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Escape: The Curse of the Temple is a cooperative game in which players must escape from a temple which is cursed before the temple collapses and kills one or more explorers, thereby causing everyone to lose. Escape is played in real-time, with all pl
Escape: The Curse of the Temple is a cooperative game in which players must escape from a temple which is cursed before the temple collapses and kills one or more explorers, thereby causing everyone to lose. Escape is played in real-time, with all players rolling dice and taking actions simultaneously. You must roll the right symbols to enter a room, and if you're at an open doorway, you can roll to reveal the next tile in the stack and add it to that doorway. Some rooms contain combinations of red and blue symbols, and if you (possibly working with other players in the same room) roll enough red or blue symbols, you "discover" magic gems, moving them from a separate gem depot onto that tile. The real-time aspect is enforced by a soundtrack to be played during the game. At certain points, a countdown starts, and if players aren't back in the safe room when time is up, they lose one of their dice. Once the exit tile is revealed, players can attempt to escape the temple by moving to that tile, then rolling a number of blue dice equal to the magic gems that haven't been removed from the gem depot. Thus, the more gems you find, the easier it is to escape the temple. When a player escapes, he gives one die to a player of his choice. If all players escape before the third countdown, everyone wins; if not, everyone loses, no matter how many players did escape. Escape: The Curse of the Temple includes two expansion modules that can be used individually or together. With the "Treasures" module, some rooms contain treasure, and when you reveal such a room, you place a face-down treasure chest on the tile. Roll the symbols on that chest tile, and you claim the treasure for use later. With the "Curses" module, some tiles "curse" players by forcing them to place one hand on their head, keep mute during play, or otherwise do what you wouldn't want to do while escaping a temple!

Full Specifications

Model Name: Escape
Character: escape
  • Queen Games Escape Board Game Toys price starts from Rs. 10,305.00 in India.
  • Top Range of Queen Games Escape Board Game Toys's at major online Stores like Flipkart, Amazon, Ebay and so on. Price2India.com has just listed product details and we are not liable for the service provided by any of these store(s).
  • Queen Games Escape Board Game Toys buy at Rs. 10,305.00 and this price is valid across the indian major cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru and more.
  • Price2India provided all the details and specifications about Queen Games Escape Board Game Model Toys with lowest price and Please review full fetaures, spec, reviews and discounts before buying this product.
  • Queen Games Escape Board Game model Toys price and details was updated on 28 May 2024.

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